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Our Story

Adelaide Place emerged out of a spirit of sacrifice as a bold new venture. It is a community that came to life in the upper floors of a flat in the city centre of Glasgow when a small group of people caught a vision of Jesus and for a church that cared for the wellbeing of their city.

This community has planted churches, developed businesses and pioneered in mission for many years in Glasgow. Over recent years God has led us to re-develop our base in the city centre and launch Missional Communities with a focus on discipleship and mission that flows from a shared life together.

Jeremiah 29:7 shapes how we take up our sense of place in the city of Glasgow; seeking the welfare of the city and not simply extracting from it.

Our Vision

The gospel of Jesus Christ announces the surprising arrival of a new era birthed by the cross and resurrection of Jesus. More than ever we believe there is a need to share that Jesus is near, offers forgiveness and eternal hope with the power himself to renew lives. Our vision is to join God in the renewal of all things. In John’s gospel, the resurrected Jesus calmly and yet authoritatively lifts the expectations of his disciples saying:

"As the Father has sent me so I send you" - John 20:21

Jesus then breathes the Holy Spirit upon them, showing that the mighty river of God’s eternal blessing is now flowing because of him. In effect, Jesus says, “Join In!”. We believe Jesus wants to lift expectations in an era of decline.

God is impressing upon us the life of his kingdom and encouraging us to anticipate a fruitful and hope-filled future. A future charged with the life of a disciple-making community announcing the gospel of Jesus.

Our Culture

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Jesus calls us into a lifelong process of learning, which is what it means to be a disciple. Jesus both invites and challenges us in every area of our lives to become more like Him.

We are a people sent by God to live out mission every day. This life of mission is characterised by adventure and risk, as we respond to God’s call to share and demonstrate the gospel.

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Glaswegians are known for their remarkable candour and warmth. We want to build on this and be a family that reflects the intimate nature of a relational God. This means being a people of radical love and inclusivity, where we place one another before ourselves and help people of all backgrounds find a place to belong.

Just as God is generous and sacrificial in love and mercy, so we seek to be a people marked by generosity with our time, finances and resources.

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We believe God wants to encounter people and speak through His Word and His Spirit. Through prayer and prophetic passion, we want to hear God’s voice for our lives, city and world.

We live in an amazing city, full of culture and creativity. God has made us all in His image - passionate and creatively gifted. We want to celebrate and encourage the unique ways we all contribute to this flourishing city.

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Core Leadership Team

The church is led by the following core leaders, elected periodically by the congregation.

The core leaders are also Trustees of Adelaide Place Baptist Church charity.


Rob Galbraith


Catherine McKinlay


Myra McNeish


Andrew Power Whitelaw


Joanne Gray


Stephen Crothers

Staff Team

Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team exists to seek out, and offer support for, the needs of our church family. You are more than welcome to come to us for prayer, guidance, a listening & compassionate ear, or to ask for practical help & support.


Andrew Power Whitelaw


Neil Pexton


Myra McNeish


Elizabeth Twynam-Perkins


Ann Goodwin

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