Our community has always sought to be a place where people can experience healing, help and restoration. As we grow, our desire is to make sure that pastoral care continues to be a core element of our culture.
For all of us, there are times in our lives when life can feel tough and things can be hard to deal with. Often, just belonging to a Jesus centred community can be healing in and of itself. We want to encourage everyone to belong well at Adelaide Place. Nevertheless, we also offer support through a team that can help supplement and serve those in our community who need help above and beyond what our communities may be able to offer.

Sometimes the best starting point in receiving God’s care is through people who will simply make time to listen to what you are experiencing or going through. We have people who would love to make time to listen in confidence and help you discern what the next steps might be for your wellbeing and growth.

Pre-Marriage Course
The pre-marriage course is a series of 5 sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together. We run this course periodically – look out for details of when the next one is happening, or send a message if you would like further information.

Further Prayer
We love that our God speaks. It can be really helpful for people to simply pray with you and listen to God’s heart for you in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Further prayer times are not counselling sessions but specific times set aside for prayer support from people who have been trained to pray and encourage you in what God is speaking into your life.

Links to Other Resources
The Naked Truth Project has created resources to specifically enable anyone to talk about and tackle the issue of pornography.
Care for the Family seeks to promote strong family life and help those who face family difficulties.
Mind and Soul believe in a God who loves us AND cares about our emotional and mental health. They have some helpful resources
Christians Against Poverty exist to see an end to UK poverty. Advice on money, as well as practical help & support for those struggling with debt

Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. If you are looking for details of counselling services in Glasgow, please contact Stephen Crothers who can provide you with a list.

You can contact our Pastoral Care Team or anyone in the Core Leadership Team by filling out the form below.
Get in touch to speak to someone about Care at Adelaide Place